Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dynamic Asynchronous Learning


Anonymous said...

Hi Rose--I thoroughly enjoyed watching your video! You are a very good speaker I believe and it was fun to see a classmate on film. I utilized my Dell netbook to capture some footage of me talking. However, I decided to cut back on the amount of footage of me given time constraints and that the footage suffered from spherical aberration. Your varied use of speakers, text, and overall presentation format works very well I believe. Likewise, I thought that Bartholomew's note about how some students need face-to-face feedback limits their ability and interest in using asynchronous learning tools. In the same clip he also noted the value of asynchronous learning tool for providing students with some background knowledge about class topics that will be discussed on subsequent days for example. I found a lot of useful information in your presentation and feel that you were comprehensive with your analysis and presentation of findings and did a great job conveying your findings in the prescribed format.
Nice job!

Brad said...


Great information! I thought your review of the information and and pacing of delivery were excellent. Also, the guest speakers provided good variety during the presentation while still delivering excellent content. Your subtitles also helped highlight key points of your presentation.


Anne B-G said...

Hi, Rose--great job! Your on-camera presence is excellent and you did a good job of mixing up the "talking head" footage with word slides and guest speakers. You did a great job of condensing the essential info into a manageable clip that does a good presentation of same.


JMH said...

What a wealth of information you presented! Your presentation caused me to write a note to myself to remind students to look at the links I posted Friday, so that we can discuss the next project on Monday. Based on my discussion with Dr. Moller about my video piece, I am not so sure the video of yourself is sufficient. I REALLY enjoyed the other speaker too; it brought a lot to the presentation in showing HOW your topic was applied for student learning. Great job!